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In week 3, when there will be no class, please arrange to visit the class of another member of i375. It allows the visitor to see how others approach the task of teaching, and it allows the visited to gain from the perspective of an outside eye. Visiting classes has two useful purposes. Reading and related assignments will add up to 30% of your grade. Beyond the reading, weekly assignments may include steps towards the final project of building a teaching portfolio. Each class participant will be expected to lead one such discussion during the semester. You are also encouraged to look at the background reading where applicable. Each week there will be an Reading and related question for class discussion. Class participation, including contributions to the i375 mailing list, will be worth 30% of your grade. If you must miss class, please contact me in advance, make sure that you have my acknowledgement, submit any assignment set for that day (see below). Please make a note of any issues concerning the Ethics course you think it would be worthwhile for us to discuss in the class on that topic.Ĭlass participation is important, hence your attendance is expected.

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If you cannot make the set office time, please indicate other times when you are available and I will do my best to find an alternative.Īll students are required to take the GSI Professional Standards and Ethics Online Course before teaching. My office hour meetings are by appointment, which I will be happy to make if you send me an email at duguid at berkeley. With this in mind, the class will concurrently work on the design of a teaching portfolio to submit with academic applications. The class also aims to help students burnish their teaching credentials as they consider applying for jobs. Overall, a primary goal is to help equip GSIs to tackle the demands of the classroom and the needs of students. We will endeavor to develop skills in the area of class preparation and presentation the development and assessing of reading and writing skills and the challenges of dealing with the modern, diverse student body. We will consider different approaches to teaching and pedagogic practices and explore what these might tell us about the implicit and explicit philosophies of learning exhibited in classrooms today. In sum, the goal is for us all to become better “reflective practitioners” and to (re)design our teaching in response to those reflections. Towards these goals concerning teaching it seeks, among other things, to provide insight into the processes and challenges of learning, both by drawing on the wisdom of those who have examined it critically, and by reflecting on our own experience and practice. The Practicum will attempt to provide participants with support, resources, feedback, and the encouragement of others facing similar challenges. Students from outside the i-school may join the class with the instructor’s permission.

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It is primarily for students from the School of Information. The Practicum is designed to assist first-time and future GSIs in preparing to teach and in teaching.

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